Blued - Gay Dating & Chat & Video Call With Guys MOD + data
Join 40 million gay men across the globe. Most popular gay chatting & social app Blued. Chat, meet and date gay men in your nearby area out of unlimited profiles. No more annoying ads, subscriptions to hold you back from meeting the man of your dreams.
Blued offers access to one to one video calling with gay men in your neighbourhood providing safe and secure gay cruising and social experience. Share private chats & photos with each other to spice up the conversation & take it to next level. Our social network is the largest with inclusivity of GBTQ community of gays, bisexual, and queer men wanting to connect with each other.
100% Free & Unlimited
Blued promises 100% free gay networking experience with no extra costs. Explore endless profiles of gay men and find your potential dates!
Accurate filters to find your type
No matter what kind of guys you are into - twink, average, bear or jock. You will find them all in our gay social community! Browse real hot guys in your neighborhood. Use explore feature to see people anywhere in the world & plan your meet on your next travel trip. Send photos, audio & video messages, and GIF.
Safer, Secure platform
We take privacy as a serious concern! We do not share or leak any of your personal information & data with third-party agencies. We are trying our best to protect users’ privacy by advanced technology and rational supervision.
Loving and interactive gay community
With our vast community, not only limited to gay networking, share your wonderful gay life experiences, cruising stories using our stream feature etc. Watch live stream broadcasters across globe. Connect & follow with like-minded people, sharing similar interests like yours. You will never feel alone!
Blued is for 18+ males only. Photos, videos or live streaming depicting nudity or sex acts are strictly prohibited.
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Instagram: @bluedapp
Twitter: @blued